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Congratulations to Class 13 for winning the poetry competition this term. It was a marvellous performance. All classes performed their poems well and they were a delight to watch - well done everyone!

Thank you to those who attended our Christmas Fair, we managed to raise a total of just over £2,000 as you will know this will help to subsidise the cost of the Pantomime this year ‘Beauty and the Beast’. A huge thank you also to the staff that worked tirelessly to pull off [...]

Panathlon Event – November 2023

On Thursday 9th Novembver, five Year 5 children took part in the Panathlon Ten Pin Bowling competition at the Bridlington Forum. We faced stiff competition from nine other schools, however Burlington took first place and came back with the trophy and individual medals. Noah also scooped top scorer earning him a framed certificate. [...]

Halloween Disco 2023!

The children had a spo0ktacular evening at our Halloween Disco! We managed to raise an amazing £1194.12 which will help towards the cost of the Christmas Pantomime - Beauty and the Beast this year. Thank you to all the parents for the amazing costumes and make-up, the children were unrecognisable in their fancy [...]

Ambassadors Trip – Year 3

Year 3 have visited Bridlington Spa to take part in the 'Ambassadors of Bridlington' challenge. During the visit, pupils interviewed members of the public about the local area, its features and how it could be developed further. They were also able to research famous local people, identifying why they represent Bridlington. The pupils [...]

Lego STEM Workshop – Year 5

On Monday 4th December, Year 5 took part in a Lego STEM session with Ian from Junior Robotics. During this time, they learnt how to follow instructions to create a moving cam mechanism with Lego pieces, and then coded it using scratch-based system to recreate a drumming monkey. All children were fantastically engaged [...]

Bayle Museum – Year 3

On the 25th, 26th + 27th September, Year 3 visited the Bayle Museum in Bridlington. The children learnt about the history of the building and the town of Bridlington itself. Inside, there was an old prison, a classroom, an old fashioned kitchen as well as many other artefacts linked to Bridlington. The children [...]

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