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King’s Coronation 2023

On Friday 5th May, the children enjoyed a range of activities to celebrate King Charles’ coronation. These included orienteering, artwork and quizzes, where children worked together within their school team. Thank you to the kitchen staff for producing the special party food for the day. To finish the day off, all the children [...]

Murton Park – Year 4

This week, Year Four visited Murton Park to experience the life of a Roman soldier. Throughout the morning, children dressed up as a Roman soldier, took a tour of a Roman fort, created an oil lamp from clay and practised writing in Latin. They were also treated to a history lesson, reviewing common [...]

Children Challenging Industry

This half term, Class 9 took part in 'Children Challenging Industry' with Mrs Mawer and Miss Boyeson (University of York). This STEM programme consisted of three problem-solving science sessions and a site visit to Saltend Chemicals Park. The children were presented with three potential problems (Leaky Pipes; Filter Fun and Cooling Coils), which [...]

Visit to Howsham Mill

Year 6 had a visit to Howsham Mill, near Malton, on the 21st and 22nd February, which is a renovated mill, now used to generate electricity. The activities included learning about renewable energy, map work around the island, building a working water wheel, viewing the machinery which generated power, learning about the wildlife which lived around the [...]

Queen’s Green Canopy

The Tree Council gifted a lime tree that formed part of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) ‘Tree of Trees’ outside Buckingham Palace to Burlington Junior School, Bridlington – located in East Riding of Yorkshire, one of the least wooded counties in the UK.  As a QGC Partner, The Tree Council was chosen as one of 20 “inspiring [...]

Football Competition

On Monday night a team of Year 5/6 boys participated in the newly formed school football competition which has been created with the help of Chris Kirkham and the school sports partnership. The aim of the competition is to get as many children playing football as possible over the year. Burlington we’re placed in a [...]

Inter-school Swimming Gala

On Tuesday, 6 boys and 6 girls went to East Riding leisure to take part in the inter school swimming gala. The competition was broken down into individual races and relays. The individual races had three heats and the six fastest times then qualified for the final. Fortunately, Burlington had a lot of children make [...]

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