Queen’s Green Canopy

The Tree Council gifted a lime tree that formed part of The Queen’s Green Canopy (QGC) ‘Tree of Trees’ outside Buckingham Palace to Burlington Junior School, Bridlington – located in East Riding of Yorkshire, one of the least wooded counties in the UK. 

As a QGC Partner, The Tree Council was chosen as one of 20 “inspiring organisations” to receive one of the 350 trees that stood tall as a beacon of hope, regeneration and optimism as part of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations.  

The lime tree will be planted in the school grounds beside a wildflower meadow area created by the children to attract wildlife. A planting ceremony will be led by pupils, teachers, The Tree Council representatives with special guest Bridlington Town Mayor, Councillor Mike Heslop-Mullens, to mark the start of this year’s National Tree Week 

The Tree Council CEO Sara Lom said: “The Tree Council is delighted to present this green gift to the children of Burlington Junior School. This tree is a beacon of hope in a county with plenty of space for new trees to grow. We hope it will inspire these children to plant many more trees in their lifetime. It is wonderful to be here to take part in the planting ceremony with so many enthusiastic pupils and teachers.

“Burlington Junior School is one of our inspiring Young Tree Champion ‘Beacon Schools’, and we are thrilled to recognise their fantastic initiatives with this living legacy from Her Majesty’s Jubilee celebrations. This beautiful small-leaved lime is a long-lived tree. In Roman times, it was known as the ‘tree of a thousand uses’ and a form of woven rope was made from the inner bark. Honey made from lime tree flowers is highly prized across Europe for its complex taste.” 

As well as working with The Lions Club and other nearby community organisations on nature projects, the school established a Nature Council with representatives from every class. 

Burlington Junior School Teacher, Matthew Clark said: “Burlington Junior School is so proud to have been selected to receive this incredible tree.”

“It will inspire our Burlington schools’ community for many generations to come; 30 of our pupils completed The Queen’s Green Canopy Young Foresters Award last summer. The gift of our tree acknowledges our school’s commitment for working with nature to improve our pupils’ social, emotional and mental health, and how we are working to improve our education and actions towards improving the environment locally, nationally and, ultimately, globally.”

“For example, each of our pupils at Burlington Juniors is given the opportunity to plant a tree seed, which they will learn about, care for and then plant, creating a community ‘Forest for the Future’. Seeing pupils becoming excited about trees and the environment is an incredible and memorable educational experience for both pupils and adults.

“We thank The Tree Council and the many organisations we work with for their support.”

Here’s what some of Burlington’s brilliant pupils said:  

‘Trees help us to breathe so plant more trees’ Ivy: Year 3 

‘I love trees as they give us shelter and we can play with their leaves and sticks. We need to plant more of them as they make the world a better place.’ Emily: Year 4 

‘The more trees we plant, the more lives we’ll grow’ Hannah: Year 5 

‘The more we do for our planet, the brighter our future will be’ Jude: Year 6 

“I like learning about history and the Romans and we are going on a trip to Murton Park.”

Pupil Feedback

“My child loves this school.”

Parent Feedback

“All 3 of my children are very happy at this school”.

Parent Feedback

“What I like about Burlington Junior School is learning because if you listen carefully you will get smart and you will have a good education and you will get a good job.”

Pupil Feedback

“Leaders have high expectations of pupils’ behaviour.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Leaders achieve this
through daily story-time sessions and ‘reading ambassadors’ who promote reading with their peers.”

Ofsted Feedback

“The school has
put in place a range of strategies and interventions to support pupils with their emotional health and well-being and behaviour.”

Ofsted Feedback

“In English and mathematics, pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), remember what they have learned over time.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Pupils are happy to
attend school. Parents say their children are ‘well cared for, feel safe and can be

Ofsted Feedback

“Daily phonics lessons and extra support in the afternoon take place for pupils who are at the early stages of reading.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Since implementation of Class Dojo we are much more aware of the things that happen whilst at school.  Also the Dojo Points System is a great way to monitor progress.”

Parent Feedback

“Parents comment that their children ‘really enjoy reading for pleasure’.”

Ofsted Feedback

“My kids love it at Burlington Junior School.”

Parent Feedback

“Pupils speak
enthusiastically about the range of after-school activities on offer.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Pupils take home books that match their phonics ability. This helps them to become confident and fluent readers.”

Ofsted Feedback

“‘There is something for everyone.’ Clubs range from golfing, cheerleading, football and rugby to mindfulness, yoga and knitting.”

Ofsted Feedback

“The thing I like about Burlington Junior school is that the teachers are very nice and it’s easy to make new friends.”

Pupil Feedback

“My daughter is very happy at school and is doing well.  I am pleased with her progress.”

Parent Feedback

“Would recommend this school 100%.  My child is very happy.”

Parent Feedback

“Burlington Junior School is a wonderful school with great staff.  They have helped me to become really independent whilst supporting me.  I am really happy at this school.” 

Pupil Feedback

“Leaders provide a range of opportunities to develop pupils’ interests.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Leaders continue to develop a broad and balanced curriculum that raises pupils’ aspirations.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Leaders encourage good mental health through nurture sessions and a
‘nature’ programme.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Leaders are passionate about ensuring that all pupils receive the education they deserve.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Communication with parents has improved recently, Class Dojo is a good addition.  Good to see the topics for this half-term.”

Parent Feedback

“Leaders strive to develop a curriculum that engages and inspires pupils.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Leaders create a positive environment where pupils flourish.”

Ofsted Feedback

“The best thing about Burlington Junior School is the lessons are fun and interesting and we always learn something new.”

Pupil Feedback

“Leaders are keen to ‘sow the seeds of interest’ regarding careers.”

Ofsted Feedback

“I like Burlington Junior School because we get to go on trips.”

Pupil Feedback

“Leaders develop pupils’ experiences beyond the community, including
annual visits to London.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Furthermore, leaders invite pupils to attend afterschool sessions to help them catch up quickly.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Staff, including those at the early stages of their careers, say they feel supported to fulfil their roles.”

Ofsted Feedback

“In school I like the writing because you get to write about your favourite things.  I love all the language you can use.”

Pupil Feedback

“I like this school because we get to learn new things every day”

Pupil Feedback

“My child has settled well into Year 3.  She enjoys Maths especially.”

Parent Feedback

“Leaders plan aspects of the science curriculum in order to promote

Ofsted Feedback

“My child has settled really well here, she feels happy and her hard work is recognised.  Very pleased.”

Parent Feedback

“My most favourite thing in Burlington Juniors is that we all help each other and that if someone is upset other people go and talk and play with them.” 

Pupil Feedback

“I like doing writing and maths because in maths you get to learn different methods to answer questions and I like writing stories.”

Pupil Feedback

“Both children have attended this school.  Both have enjoyed it and have reached their potential.”

Parent Feedback

“I like learning because I think learning is fun and it allows me to push myself and learn new things every day.”

Pupil Feedback

“Behaviour and attendance continue to improve throughout school.”

Ofsted Feedback

“Good transition from Year 4- 5.  My child is in a smaller class, well supported in English and Maths.  Nurtured and settled.”

Parent Feedback

“Subject leaders are invited to share curriculum plans with governors.”

Ofsted Feedback

“This is my third child to go all the way through Burlington and I would recommend this school every time.”

Parent Feedback